Εργαστήριο Ειδικής Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης Χίου

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Thursday 20 March 2025

Εργαστήριο Χειροτεχνίας

Στο ΕΕΕΕΚ Χίου διδάσκεται το μάθημα της αισθητικής αγωγής κατά τη διάρκεια του οποίου οι μαθητές ζωγραφίζουν, κατασκευάζουν και δημιουργούν. Όσον αφορά τη ζωγραφική εφαρμόζονται διαφορετικές τεχνικές από ομάδες μαθητών ή μεμονωμένα. Σε τρισδιάστατες κατασκευές χρησιμοποιούνται διάφορα υλικά, όπως ξύλα, σχοινιά, πηλός, φελιζόλ κ.λ.π.
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Η ενασχόληση των μαθητών με όλα αυτές τις διαφορετικές μορφές τους δίνει τη δυνατότητα και την ευκαιρία να αναδείξουν τις ιδιαίτερες ικανότητές τους, είτε ατομικές είτε ομαδικές. Έτσι ενισχύεται η αυτοεκτίμησή τους μέσα από τη χαρά της δημιουργίας.
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Εξάλλου με τη συνεργατική μέθοδο επιδιώκεται η ανάπτυξη της επικοινωνίας και της αλληλοβοήθειας μεταξύ των μαθητών, η οποία συμβάλλει στην καλύτερη δυνατή ένταξή τους στο κοινωνικό σύνολο.
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Workshop on Tourism Occupations

In the workshop of Tourist Occupations of Chios EEEEK we have the following courses:

Elements of cookery art

   In the kitchen the students learn how to prepare dishes beneficial for the human body, which would correspond to the needs of a consumer and are tasty and good. At the same time, students are provided with some information about the chemical and natural ingredients of foods, their nutritious value and methods of modification under the effect of fire or without this.

   Also, during a particular course they get information about the cookers, that are distinguished in main and auxiliary, as well as about what it is prepared in each space: the main services are hot dish preparation, the workshop of pastry making, cold dish preparation and canteen and the supplementary areas which are the place of personnel and goods, the refrigerator, the store rooms for foods, the areas where they wash the utensils of the cook shop of a restaurant, space for litter etc.

Elements of restaurant art

   In the area of the dining room ?restaurant, the students are shown the equipment of a restaurant, the organisation of personnel, the types of dinners, laying of tablecloths according to the rules of the restaurant art, the ways of service, the ways of carrying dishes on a tray and the right placement of table cutlery (knives, forks, spoons, spoon of sweet, knife and fork fruit and glasses of water, wine and champagne) depending on the type of dinner (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Also, in the area of the dining room takes place the preparation of buffet for the various events of the school, with food and sweets that are prepared by the students of the tourist workshop.

   Finally, the students learn the way of reception, service and suitable behavior to customers in the area of the restaurant, as well as the way of taking an order, the making and giving the bill to the customers. For the better comprehension of the way of taking an order and giving the bill, pupils take part in role plays (customer - waiter) based on the price list that they make, "customers order foods and drinks and at the end the "waiters" make the bill for each "customer".

Flooring section

   This course deals with the organisation, administration and operation of floors washing-machines, linen presses of the hotels business. The flooring section inspects the available rooms, cleans the engaged and vacant rooms and informs the reception for the condition of the rooms. The departments of rooms and reception should coordinate and collaborate closely, in order to achieve the satisfaction of customers.

   During this course, the students are taught the cleaning of floorings and communal spaces, the right use of materials of cleanness, as well as the cleanness of spaces of cook shops and dining room. In addition, the pupils practise in the use of laundry, the ironing, the folding of linens and their placing in the wardrobes. 
   The aim of all courses of tourist department is the actual students to offer their services in the tourist sector as assistants or waiters, warehousemen, assistants of cooks, cleaners or in any other relevant supplementary work. In order for the students to get to know closely the way of function of each department as well as the obligations and the duties of all supplementary places of work of the enterprise, they take part in educational visits, in regular time intervals, in various enterprises. Up today the students have visited hotels, boarding houses, the airport of Chios , a tavern, a bakery, a confectionery, a cafeteria, a fish shop and a coffee shop.

Gardening - Floriculture Workshop

   In the gardening - floriculture workshop the students learn about the various species of plants and the differences between them, the methods of cultivation, the stages of growth, the materials and tools that are used for their cultivation but above all our aim is to help them to realise the usefulness and importance of plants in every day life and to be occupied creatively during school hours.
   In the workshop we cultivate vegetables and ornamental plants. According to the period of the year, we grow seasonal vegetables but we also grow off-season vegetables in the greenhouse of our school. As far as the ornamental plants are concerned, we grow annual, perrenial and bulb-type ornamental plants, perrenial ornamental bushes and trees as well as aromatic and pharmaceutical plants. Thus, in a practical way, our students are taught the growing stages of plants (vegetation, blossoming, pollination, fructification), the methods of ground preparation (tillage, fertilization) the ways of multiplication (seeding, grafts), the various farming works (transplantation, weeding, fertilization, irrigation, plant health protection), and finally some elements about the harvest, maintenance and disposal of the produced products. Simultaneously they learn to distinguish and recognize the various species of plants and their uses.
   They also learn how to use and maintain safely the gardening tools like cultivator, hoe, garden shears, lawn mowers and others.
    At the same time, during each school year, we visit nurseries, greenhouses, barrages and dams which are related directly or indirectly with the agricultural profession.
   Special consideration is also given to the revival of the environmental consiousness of our students through their participation in programs of environmental education. Each year our school participates in such programs. Students work at these programs during the workshop hours.